Dogs NSW Membership Number:

+61 (02) 4634 1333
Mob: 0412 188 989
Wedderburn NSW 2560
Past Champions
Here you will find stories about some of our great past champions.

AUST CH Hashki Zebra Crossing
Sire: Aust Ch Hashki Hot Too Trot
Dam: Aust Ch Hashki Bewitched
Pony is a sweet black and white parti coloured girl who did a lot of winning including best bitch at Royal level (Brisbane Royal).
As a youngster, Pony was a multi Best of Breed, Runner up Best In Group (BIG2) and Class in Show winner.

AUST CH Cubet She Devil


Sire: Aust Ch Parkwell Hava Neez

Dam: Aust Ch Hashki Out Ov The Box
Nikita is a gorgeous chocolate girl with a stunning coat and beautiful dark pigment. Many thanks to Georgie from Cubet for sending her to us.
Nikita is the mother of Crash (Aust Ch Hashki Kamikaze Kid)

Hashki Lord Ov The Realm
Sire: Aust Ch Hashki Hot Too Trot
Dam: Aust Ch Hashki Bewitched
Australia's youngest ever GRAND CHAMPION Havanese at under 2 years of age. Cleary is a BEST IN SHOW and multi RUNNER UP BEST IN SHOW winner.
Cleary is awarded BEST IN GROUP at the prestigious Spring Fair Dog Show in Sydney with over 325 Toys!
Cleary is awarded Best of Breed at both Sydney and Brisbane Royals 2009 and Canberra and Bathurst Royals 2010.

AUST CH Torza Cinnomin Twist
Sire: Am Ch, Nz Ch & Gr Ch Torza Rocket By Lejerdell (Imp USA
Dam: Int Ch, Ndl Ch & Ch Manou De La Tour De Senlis (imp Neth)
*Rumbles was a huge winner for the breed taking out many Best in Group and Runner Up to Best in Show awards. He was the dog that made me fall in love with the breed.
*Always ready to show, Rumbles is a pleasure to own in and out of the ring.